got self-love?

there are a million reasons why not.

Let me guess why you’re here

(I’m not a psychic, but I do know a good one).

  • You heard about Befriend Your Brain

    It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s superwoman! JK.

    It’s a workbook of 12 exercises to help you make a friend of that brain of yours.

    But it’s more than that. It’s the framework I use in my coaching. It’s my philosophy for life. Hell, it’s even the way I live my own life—when I can get out of my way long enough to realize it is available. Read below for a more. Then join my email list to get your own copy.

  • You want a self-love coach and fast

    Hi hi friend. You are smart. Very very smart.

    We all need a self-love coach, but to be honest, the patriarchy makes self-love especially hard for women. That’s why it is smart that you are here.

    Now that you’ve found me, here’s what you do:

    1. look around my site and see what resonates

    2. click the contact link at the top of the page

    3. sit back and feel that change is on the way

  • You need some self-love inspiration

    You found it. In droves. With more. All the time.

    You’ll find musings about it on the blog and deep, vulnerable, raw writings about it in the occasional newsletter.

    Humans (particularly women—and really particularly moms) are judged left and right. For. Every. Damn. Thing. We. Do. Because of this, self-love is not easy. And I don’t pretend it is. Come. Let’s self-love together.



Befriend Your Brain started as a workbook and is growing into a movement (I’m determined to grow it into a movement).

The 12 exercises contained inside were created and developed during, and between, life coaching sessions with some incredibly dedicated clients.

Their mission is simple: to bring more joy, more ease, and more growth into your life.

Click below to join my mailing list and get a copy of the workbook in your inbox.

And start Befriending Your Brain already.



I’m annoyingly optimistic and solution-focused, sure, but I’m also hellbent on being real and transparent about the struggles that life contains especially for women—and most especially for moms.

I find it impossible to sit still when there is so much to do and learn in this world. And, at the same time, I just want to take a damn nap.

I have been waxing poetic about self-love and growth and life since I was a wee babe. I don’t recall a time that I didn’t fully embrace self-love as the cornerstone of life. I’ve loved myself through phases of life, fashion trends, periods of growth, periods of decline, career changes, relationship changes, body changes, struggles, windfalls, and everything in between.

Do I have self-doubt? Sure. Do I struggle? Yep. Do I sometimes want to run and hide or give it all up and live inside a giant redwood or join the circus? Uh-huh.

I see how our brains can work against us, how difficult change is, how elusive self-love can be, how ubiquitous self-doubt seems, and how hard we are on ourselves. And I see how this cycle keeps us from being the fully-formed humans that we are destined to be.

I write and coach on this topic as someone who has, and does, put it all into practice.

I tell myself I'm a good mom even though my kid is always asking for a new one. I believe I’m a bestselling author even though I haven’t finished writing my first book yet. I love living in Jordan even though I still crave pulled pork sandwiches, local beer on tap, and wide open green spaces.

befriend your brain

befriend your brain •

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